Well it's official now, I'm one whole year old now! Dad said the weekly emails he and mom get no longer say your baby, but your toddler. I think he was a little sad, but mom said I will always be there baby (I don't tend to agree). Well here goes a picture explosion from my weekend. Mom and I went to Minnesota for my cousin, Molly's Baptism. We headed up late morning on Thursday and surprised Aunt Kim who thought we were coming on Friday. The rest of the famliy was due there Friday afternoon and Saturday. We got a whole extra day to play with them.

Here I am with Bear doing my 12 month photo. I didn't want to sit still for the picture, I had too many other things I wanted to be doing.

Here I am checking out my new cousin. I tried to "hug" her but mom kept stopping me, she said I was crushing Molly. I do admit I tried on several occassions to take her pacifer. It looks just like the ones I used to have so I innocently thought it was mine. Easy mistake.

Carly and I had a BLAST together. Mom and I stayed in her room for the weekend and we sure did party. Every night we had at least one adult come into the room to settle us down. We would get to talking and giggling. We both ended up going to sleep later than our bedtime each night. The first morning I woke Carly up with my jabbering and Mom and Aunt Kim just listened to us on the monitor as we talked for a half hour. Here we are shoving puffs in our mouths. Mom only put so many on the table and neither of us wanted to share, so we knew we had to put them in our mouths fast.

Aunt Kim and Uncle Jason are trying to sell their house so they can buy a bigger one they fell in love with. While we were visiting they had to show the house so we all had to be out of the house. Lucky for us girls that meant a trip to the park.

I can never get enough swinging time. I was not happy when mom took me out of the swing. I could have stayed there all day.

I told you I was walking. See here I am midstep. In the last week I've gotten even better and usually pick walking over crawling. While at Aunt Kim's I also learned to climb stairs. Mom was happy for me for a minute, but that was short lived because they have a split level house and I just kept climbing the stairs all weekend. Every time she turned around I was on the stairs, it made for a tiring weekend for mom.

Thanks Aunt Kim, Uncle Jason, Carly and Molly for letting us stay with you. Mom and I had so much fun, we're already trying to figure out when we can come and play again.

Emily and her parents came up really late on Friday so we didn't see them until Saturday. It's hard to believe we're 3 months apart in age. We both go for check-ups this week, but our moms are thinking it's going to be a close call who is bigger.

I got dressed on Saturday and then Aunt Kim said that Molly had the same dress, so she decided to put it on her. So we were dressed alike all day. Here we are all us girls playing in the living room. Aunt Kim and Uncle Jason definitely need that other house that has a toy room for all us kids.

Saturday afternoon the sun came out so us girls decided to put on our swimsuits and have some fun outdoors.

It looks like I'm writing with chalk, but don't be fooled. In actuality I am mere seconds away from putting that piece of chalk in my mouth. Mom never lets me taste anything fun.

I tried out Carly's sandbox, but I wasn't a big fan. I have never played in sand and I don't think I like it.

Carly and I are walking with Gram over to check out the cottage. Carly's has the neatest outside toys.

"Daddy, just calling to say hi. Mom and I miss you. Yep we're having fun here in Minnesota, but we can't wait to see you on Sunday. Be sure to give Gretchen a kiss for me."

Out for a wagon ride in the backyard. Mom pulled us around, but she got tired quickly. I guess our weight adds up, plus she was running around the yard. It was very fun.

The best picture of the six of us grandchildren. It's not easy to take a picture of 6 kids who all want to be doing something different. We should have taken a picture of all the adults behind cameras trying to make us sit still and smile, now that's a funny picture.

I never got jealous when Mom held Molly. I did however want to love on her and steal her pacifer.

Here I am all packed in the car with toys, beverage and snacks at our one and only stop on the way home. We made four stops on the way up and only one on the way home. We were excited to see Dad and Gretchen.
Mom and I had a great weekend, but we're excited to be home now. We are all tuckered out from our weekend and now need to get back to our routine. Mom says she's glad she's not a single parent because it's hard work. Thanks everyone for the fun times. I can't wait to see all my cousins again.
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