After much searching, we finally got a bike trailer. Thanks Bakka for picking it up in Minnesota while you were there. Mom found this infant helment on Ebay. Once it came in the mail we were ready for the maiden voyage.

Mom and I just went on a short ride to test it out. I look cute and happy in the pictures, but I wasn't so sure about the helmet once the bike ride started. I kept trying to take it off, which just meant covering up my eyes more. I guess I'll have to learn to like it, because I think Mom, Dad and I are going to be enjoying lots of bike rides now.

I have really taken a liking to talking on phones so Dad gave me his old cell phone to talk on. It flips open, which I think is really cool. Watch out world I have my first cell phone!

Me talking to Mom on the phone (or at least pretending to) while she was on her girls weekend and Dad and I were home.

While Mommy was gone for a girls weekend, Dad and I had lots of fun. We even went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Gerken and visit Strawberry Fest in Long Grove.

Here I am trying my first strawberry donut. Yummy!

I am very grown up and no longer need Mommy and Daddy to read to me, now I like to be in charge (big surprise). I like to hold the books, turn the pages myself, and now I can even read. I like it best when the books are upside down though, it makes reading even easier.

For the 4th of July we headed to Dixon to visit everyone there. On Friday night we went to the band concert. Here I am with Daddy and Ellie. I love the lawn chair I got from Gigi, although I did manage to tip it over once.

The french toast casserole Mom made for the 4th of July. So festive and tasty.

My first ever parade. It was hot, but luckily the clouds made it not too sunny. I had so much fun watching the parade and clapping for everyone and everything.

Isaac and Uncle Brian helped me practice my walking this past weekend. Turned out to help as I took my first steps! Yep, that's right I took my first solo step on Friday in Aunt Jen's office. Then on Monday when we were home I took 3 whole steps in a row. Mom and Dad both got to see it and they grabbed me and jumped and cheered. Boy they really do celebrate the little things around our house.

I got filthy dirty playing at Gram and Bakka's house so before we headed home, I got to take a bath in their tub. Mom had to scrub the dirt off of me.

All set in my pajamas for the ride home, but there's still time to try out Isaac's light saber he won at the carnival. He was worried my Daddy would take it from him, since they share a love of all things Star Wars.

Before we head out we decided to catch a little of the Star Wars weekend marathon on tv.

On Monday afternoon Mommy, Daddy and I went on a 6 mile bike ride. It was sure hot out. I was just sitting in my trailer, but I got very sweaty just having to wear my helmet. On the trip Dad saw this deer, and luckily mom had the camera so we could get a few pictures of it.

Mom had her last cake class last night. This was her final cake. She said that writing on cakes isn't her speciality, but I think it looks nice. I can't wait to see my birthday cake!

I hope you all enjoyed our update. We'll leave you with a short video.
Here is a video of me reading that is until I got distracted by my toys and Gretchen.
oh my goodness she is sooooo cute!!! Great job with the birthday cake mommy.. Aunt Marmo can't wait to your birthday cake Cassidy. Great picture too. thanks for sharing.