Friday, July 30, 2010

12 month check-up

Well Mom and I went to the doctor today for my check-up. Official word is I can finally turn my carseat facing forward, but I barely made the cut-off. I weight 20.2 pounds (30th percentile for my age) and I am 29.5 inches long (50 percentile for my age) This means my cousin, Emily who is three months younger weighs more and I only beat her on length by a quarter of an inch.

The doctor said I was perfect and of course as always the nurses love me. For the first time I got to stand on the grown-up scale instead of sitting on the baby scale. It was very cool. I explored the exam room and found some cool doors on the exam table to open and close; that entertained me for 10 minutes. Mom tried to trick me by letting me eat my favorite cheesy puff snack while the nurse gave me my shots. It didn't work instead I just sobbed with food in my mouth. Great try though mom. When the doctor looked in my mouth he said, "well, you're not going to be setting any records there." He was amazed I still only have 4 teeth. He did say 4 more are close to coming in and I might get a full mouth of teeth overnight. Mom asked about me eating meat and he said not to worry about it and with my lack of teeth a vegetarian diet would be fine for awhile.

Well that's my doctor update. Here's a video of me from the other night when I was playing with mom and Dad the other night. When I act like this at bedtime, I know it's hard for them to put me to bed. (Hehehe, I know what I'm doing, be real cute and fun at bedtime and you can stay up later).


  1. that is sooo funny I was laughing right along with her!! great soccer moves there mommy!

  2. I love this video. I am not sure who is having more fun.
