Well Mom and I went to the doctor today for my check-up. Official word is I can finally turn my carseat facing forward, but I barely made the cut-off. I weight 20.2 pounds (30th percentile for my age) and I am 29.5 inches long (50 percentile for my age) This means my cousin, Emily who is three months younger weighs more and I only beat her on length by a quarter of an inch.
The doctor said I was perfect and of course as always the nurses love me. For the first time I got to stand on the grown-up scale instead of sitting on the baby scale. It was very cool. I explored the exam room and found some cool doors on the exam table to open and close; that entertained me for 10 minutes. Mom tried to trick me by letting me eat my favorite cheesy puff snack while the nurse gave me my shots. It didn't work instead I just sobbed with food in my mouth. Great try though mom. When the doctor looked in my mouth he said, "well, you're not going to be setting any records there." He was amazed I still only have 4 teeth. He did say 4 more are close to coming in and I might get a full mouth of teeth overnight. Mom asked about me eating meat and he said not to worry about it and with my lack of teeth a vegetarian diet would be fine for awhile.
Well that's my doctor update. Here's a video of me from the other night when I was playing with mom and Dad the other night. When I act like this at bedtime, I know it's hard for them to put me to bed. (Hehehe, I know what I'm doing, be real cute and fun at bedtime and you can stay up later).
Friday, July 30, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
From Baby to Toddler
Well it's official now, I'm one whole year old now! Dad said the weekly emails he and mom get no longer say your baby, but your toddler. I think he was a little sad, but mom said I will always be there baby (I don't tend to agree). Well here goes a picture explosion from my weekend. Mom and I went to Minnesota for my cousin, Molly's Baptism. We headed up late morning on Thursday and surprised Aunt Kim who thought we were coming on Friday. The rest of the famliy was due there Friday afternoon and Saturday. We got a whole extra day to play with them.
Here I am with Bear doing my 12 month photo. I didn't want to sit still for the picture, I had too many other things I wanted to be doing.
Here I am checking out my new cousin. I tried to "hug" her but mom kept stopping me, she said I was crushing Molly. I do admit I tried on several occassions to take her pacifer. It looks just like the ones I used to have so I innocently thought it was mine. Easy mistake.
Carly and I had a BLAST together. Mom and I stayed in her room for the weekend and we sure did party. Every night we had at least one adult come into the room to settle us down. We would get to talking and giggling. We both ended up going to sleep later than our bedtime each night. The first morning I woke Carly up with my jabbering and Mom and Aunt Kim just listened to us on the monitor as we talked for a half hour. Here we are shoving puffs in our mouths. Mom only put so many on the table and neither of us wanted to share, so we knew we had to put them in our mouths fast.
Aunt Kim and Uncle Jason are trying to sell their house so they can buy a bigger one they fell in love with. While we were visiting they had to show the house so we all had to be out of the house. Lucky for us girls that meant a trip to the park.
I can never get enough swinging time. I was not happy when mom took me out of the swing. I could have stayed there all day.
I told you I was walking. See here I am midstep. In the last week I've gotten even better and usually pick walking over crawling. While at Aunt Kim's I also learned to climb stairs. Mom was happy for me for a minute, but that was short lived because they have a split level house and I just kept climbing the stairs all weekend. Every time she turned around I was on the stairs, it made for a tiring weekend for mom.
Thanks Aunt Kim, Uncle Jason, Carly and Molly for letting us stay with you. Mom and I had so much fun, we're already trying to figure out when we can come and play again.
Emily and her parents came up really late on Friday so we didn't see them until Saturday. It's hard to believe we're 3 months apart in age. We both go for check-ups this week, but our moms are thinking it's going to be a close call who is bigger.
I got dressed on Saturday and then Aunt Kim said that Molly had the same dress, so she decided to put it on her. So we were dressed alike all day. Here we are all us girls playing in the living room. Aunt Kim and Uncle Jason definitely need that other house that has a toy room for all us kids.
Saturday afternoon the sun came out so us girls decided to put on our swimsuits and have some fun outdoors.
It looks like I'm writing with chalk, but don't be fooled. In actuality I am mere seconds away from putting that piece of chalk in my mouth. Mom never lets me taste anything fun.
I tried out Carly's sandbox, but I wasn't a big fan. I have never played in sand and I don't think I like it.
Carly and I are walking with Gram over to check out the cottage. Carly's has the neatest outside toys.
"Daddy, just calling to say hi. Mom and I miss you. Yep we're having fun here in Minnesota, but we can't wait to see you on Sunday. Be sure to give Gretchen a kiss for me."
Out for a wagon ride in the backyard. Mom pulled us around, but she got tired quickly. I guess our weight adds up, plus she was running around the yard. It was very fun.
The best picture of the six of us grandchildren. It's not easy to take a picture of 6 kids who all want to be doing something different. We should have taken a picture of all the adults behind cameras trying to make us sit still and smile, now that's a funny picture.
I never got jealous when Mom held Molly. I did however want to love on her and steal her pacifer.
Here I am all packed in the car with toys, beverage and snacks at our one and only stop on the way home. We made four stops on the way up and only one on the way home. We were excited to see Dad and Gretchen.

Mom and I had a great weekend, but we're excited to be home now. We are all tuckered out from our weekend and now need to get back to our routine. Mom says she's glad she's not a single parent because it's hard work. Thanks everyone for the fun times. I can't wait to see all my cousins again.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Birthday Party Extravaganza
Well I may not actually be one years old yet, but everyone sang to me, I opened gifts and had cake, so it sure feels like I'm one. On Saturday lots of people came by to celebrate my birthday, I still have 6 more days until I'm officially one though. It was a blast! I even got to wear an outfit to match my cake.
Here I am with my cake before the guests arrived. I took a 2 hour morning nap so I was rested and ready for the guests.
Mom and I pose for a quick shot with the cake before partying. Mom was really worried the cake wouldn't turn out right, but I think it looked great. I hear while I was napping that minnie had chin surgery though.
The other cakes mom made to make sure we had enough (Dad was worried we would run out). My personal cake was the butterfly one.
Before the real fun began I had to eat some lunch. Since it was my special day I got to have my favorite....macaroni and cheese. Notice how good I am at holding my fork, this is a new trick I mastered this week. I even get food in my mouth now.
This was one of my gifts from mom and dad. These foam pieces are my new "carpet" in my play area of the basement. Can you find the hidden words? I love this play area it is much more comfortable than the tile floor.
Hmm, so you're saying if I eat really well I can have cake and presents...that just might be a deal.
My party became a pool party after lunch. No one knew we were going to have a pool party but luckily I had little swimmers to share with everyone, and an extra pair of shorts I don't fit in yet for Isaac. It was a great way to cool off, next time we'll figure out how to get the slide to go into the pool. Mom said there were too many people in the pool though.
Just showing off my swimsuit and trying how to figure out how to climb out of this pool and walk to the slide on my own.
Pool party is over, time to put my party dress back on and look at all my gifts. I got a lot of really cool things. Thanks everyone, not sure where we're going to put it all, but who cares. It's fun. Now it's time for cake.
I thought it was weird that all of these people were staring at me and singing.
Here Daddy, you try some. If it's good then maybe I'll have some.
Boy this cake thing is a lot of work, is anyone going to get me cleaned up so I can take a nap.
I was starting to get tired and when I get tired I rub my hands through my hair. Oops I forgot I had frosting all over them.
This is what I did to my cake. I loved playing with the frosting, but I didn't want to eat it or any of the cake.
After all that fun with frosting, I went right to the tub. Dad scrubbed my face, which is why I'm making this face. Finally time for bed.
The morning after my party. Mom and Dad came in to get me from my nap with my new puppet. She tries to bite my fingers and hug me. I think it's funny though.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I'm walking a lot more now. Sometimes I crawl still, but mostly I'm walking and getting myself steady. Also, this past weekend I did my second sign. I signed mom and said it at the same time. Both mom and dad heard/saw it and were so surprised. I now how to sign eat and mom.
Well that's it for my birthday party extravaganza. Next weekend Mom and I are headed to Minnesota to visit the Schahls. We're going to finally meet Molly and go to her Baptism. Yeah!
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I'm walking a lot more now. Sometimes I crawl still, but mostly I'm walking and getting myself steady. Also, this past weekend I did my second sign. I signed mom and said it at the same time. Both mom and dad heard/saw it and were so surprised. I now how to sign eat and mom.
Well that's it for my birthday party extravaganza. Next weekend Mom and I are headed to Minnesota to visit the Schahls. We're going to finally meet Molly and go to her Baptism. Yeah!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A busy couple of weeks including first steps!
After much searching, we finally got a bike trailer. Thanks Bakka for picking it up in Minnesota while you were there. Mom found this infant helment on Ebay. Once it came in the mail we were ready for the maiden voyage.
Mom and I just went on a short ride to test it out. I look cute and happy in the pictures, but I wasn't so sure about the helmet once the bike ride started. I kept trying to take it off, which just meant covering up my eyes more. I guess I'll have to learn to like it, because I think Mom, Dad and I are going to be enjoying lots of bike rides now.
I have really taken a liking to talking on phones so Dad gave me his old cell phone to talk on. It flips open, which I think is really cool. Watch out world I have my first cell phone!
Me talking to Mom on the phone (or at least pretending to) while she was on her girls weekend and Dad and I were home.
While Mommy was gone for a girls weekend, Dad and I had lots of fun. We even went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Gerken and visit Strawberry Fest in Long Grove.
Here I am trying my first strawberry donut. Yummy!
I am very grown up and no longer need Mommy and Daddy to read to me, now I like to be in charge (big surprise). I like to hold the books, turn the pages myself, and now I can even read. I like it best when the books are upside down though, it makes reading even easier.
For the 4th of July we headed to Dixon to visit everyone there. On Friday night we went to the band concert. Here I am with Daddy and Ellie. I love the lawn chair I got from Gigi, although I did manage to tip it over once.
The french toast casserole Mom made for the 4th of July. So festive and tasty.
My first ever parade. It was hot, but luckily the clouds made it not too sunny. I had so much fun watching the parade and clapping for everyone and everything.
Isaac and Uncle Brian helped me practice my walking this past weekend. Turned out to help as I took my first steps! Yep, that's right I took my first solo step on Friday in Aunt Jen's office. Then on Monday when we were home I took 3 whole steps in a row. Mom and Dad both got to see it and they grabbed me and jumped and cheered. Boy they really do celebrate the little things around our house.
I got filthy dirty playing at Gram and Bakka's house so before we headed home, I got to take a bath in their tub. Mom had to scrub the dirt off of me.
All set in my pajamas for the ride home, but there's still time to try out Isaac's light saber he won at the carnival. He was worried my Daddy would take it from him, since they share a love of all things Star Wars.
Before we head out we decided to catch a little of the Star Wars weekend marathon on tv.
On Monday afternoon Mommy, Daddy and I went on a 6 mile bike ride. It was sure hot out. I was just sitting in my trailer, but I got very sweaty just having to wear my helmet. On the trip Dad saw this deer, and luckily mom had the camera so we could get a few pictures of it.
Mom had her last cake class last night. This was her final cake. She said that writing on cakes isn't her speciality, but I think it looks nice. I can't wait to see my birthday cake!
I hope you all enjoyed our update. We'll leave you with a short video.

Here is a video of me reading that is until I got distracted by my toys and Gretchen.
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