Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Growing by leaps and bounds!

Every single day is something new with Cassidy and we are loving it! We are amazed at how quickly she has taken to sitting on her own. She will sit and play with her toys without any support for as long as we leave her there. Occassionally something will catch her attention and she'll turn and lose her balance, but not often. This makes it much easier and way more fun to play with all those toys she got for Christmas now.

If only we could have gotten Cassidy to look staright ahead for this one.

What a cutey, we just can't get enough of her these days. And now for a great video. Brian sharing my drink with Cassidy, notice how her whole body shakes with excitement over getting a drink. Much of the water went down her front, but she got to enjoy some and loved the experience.

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness HOW CUTE IS THAT!!!!! Thanks for sharing.
