Saturday, February 21, 2009

House Shopping

So we're back from our first round of looking at houses. It was exciting to get out there and see houses, to see what's available, what things we like and don't like. We really like the realtor we're working with and we're looking forward to finding "our" house. We had to rule out a couple of houses today because we knew our little princess, Gretchen not Ofie, would not be happy. All wood floors throughout the whole house are no good, and she would never forgive us for moving into a house like that. We're hoping to be able to go out again next weekend to see some more, because after seeing 6 they all start to run together. We saw 8 today and can barely remember a couple of them. From the 8 we are keeping 2 on our maybe list for now.

In the meantime we're rearranging our house moving everything from the office to the basement so we can turn the office into Ofie's room. We've decided preparing for a baby and shopping for a house are both full-time jobs, at least their both fun jobs (well so far, we'll see if we feel the same way in a few months).

1 comment:

  1. I loved house hunting minus the part about dragging around a 6 month old. I hope that you find something before the baby comes :) Good luck your in a great buyers market!!
