Can you believe in just 3 days I will be heading to Disney World to finally meet Mickey Mouse in person?!? I figured I better update the blog before we go, plus Daddy is in Washington D.C. for work and I know he'd like to see what Mom and I have been up to while he's been away.
First of all I had my 2 year doctor's appointment and I am 33 inches tall and 27 pounds, which puts me in the 60 percentile for weight and the 25th percentile for height. The doctor said I am doing well, so as long as I stay healthy I don't go back until I'm 3!

A few weeks ago Mom and I went to Lincoln, IL to visit with her college friends. I got meet up with Addy and we went swimming in her big pool. We had a lot of fun together.

We went to a picnic at Aunt Patti's for the 4th of July. I decided to try my hand at tennis. I have to figure out which sport will be mine. I wasn't very good at tennis, but isn't my dress cute?

I also learned how to use a squirt gun. It was so hot out that no one minded getting a little wet.

The other night at dinner Mom and Dad decided to let me try eating corn on the cob. I've had the corn cut off the cob, but finally I got to eat it like they do. It took me a few tries to figure it out, but once I did I went to town. It was very good.

See I'm already a pro, I think I'll be ready for Corn Fest in DeKalb next month!

Mommy and I love to hit up garage sales on Fridays when we're off. We found this great Little Tykes desk for $5. Mom got it all washed up while I napped and now it's in the basement craft corner.

And now onto this past weekend, so that Daddy can see what I've been up to. Mom and I headed out to Byron to Uncle Andrew's auction. We met Gram, Bakka, Aunt Wendy, Uncle Jason, Aunt Kim, Carly and Molly there too. We had Ellie with us because she slept over the night before so she could babysit me. During the auction we hung out by Uncle Andrew's car. Mom said we are Uncle Andrew's groupies. We had fun at the auction. After the auction Mom's entire side of the family came over to our house for a cookout.

I even got to get up really close to the auction and watch Uncle Andrew hold things up. He has a really funny auction voice, it was fun to watch him work.

Mom mentioned how she hate our kitchen curtains and wanted to do something different. Aunt Kim couldn't figure out why she didn't just get rid of them. Here Aunt Kim is modeling a new dress she designed with the curtains. We didn't need to throw them away, they could be repurposed! Everyone got a kick out of this outfit. (I bet Aunt Kim doesn't expect to see this picture on my blog)

Some of us cousins eating lunch. Mom and I picked up this picnic table for the Schahls. They had been looking for one...we bought it for just $3.

After the cookout we decided to take everyone to Ollie's. I can't believe we haven't brought all of them here before. Here's our big group.

Mom got me my own little dish, but I was more interested in Gram's cone. She was nice enough to share with me.

While Dad has been gone his day lilies bloomed, so we had to take a picture so he could see them

Sunday it was HOT!, but that didn't stop us from heading to the park. We only played for a short time before heading back to my house for pool time.

Here we are enjoying pool time before lunch. Thanks Uncle Jason for getting such a cute picture of all us girls.

This is just a cute picture of Molly that Mom snapped and wanted to include. Molly likes to open her mouth and eyes really big and squeal when she's really happy and mad. It's very cute and makes mom crack up every time she does it.
Well I hope you enjoyed the pictures, we have to go finish packing our carry-on bags. I can't believe I'm going to the home of Mickey Mouse in just a few short days!
Great pictures Megan and I am SURE you are having a wonderful time in Disney.... Hope to see you soon. love you all.