Can you even believe that I am already 18 months, actually almost 19 months now. I had my doctor's appontment last week a little late due to the Blizzard of 2011 and Mommy's busy work schedule. The report from the doctor is and I quote, "She's perfect." You heard it here folks, I am perfect. Dr. Link said I am 24 pound even and 33 1/2 inches tall, which means 50th percentile for weight and 90th percentile for height. He told mom to just keep doing whatever they are doing because I am perfect and growing perfectly. 
If you didn't notice in the picture above you might notice here that poor Bear is looking a little rough. Well a couple days before this picture was taken I puked in my bed in the middle of the night. Mom came in, in the morning and discovered it. Dad and I were so proud of how well she handled it (if you didn't know, mom does not do puke). Needless to say I got a bath and everything in my crib had to be washed. So poor bear got his first bath and well he just hasn't looked the same ever since.

This past weekend, mom was sick and tired of being couped up inside at home and since we had entire day of nothing to do we decided to do an outing. Mom, Dad and I went to the bookstore (here I am playing trains), we went to the pet store, lunch and then Wal-Mart. It was a fun outing.

I also checked out the hamsters and rats in the bookstore. I thought they were pretty cool, but mom disagreed.

I loved checking out the birds. Mom went to Hobby Lobby while dad and I went to the pet store. She came over to meet us and I had to show her all the cool things I discovered. It also happened to a day that they had puppies from the local animal shelter there. I got to meet them and dogs from the greyhoud rescue. It was the best store we visited that day. I tried to convince mom and dad that Gretchen needed a playmate, but mom disagrees.

I really, really like my rainboots and now that I can get them on by myself there is no telling when I'll put them on. I mean this outfit looks cool, right?

Mom has a very busy semester taking a class and teaching a class so she is always excited when she's there at bedtime to read to me. Gretchen loves story time too. Notice the blanket, Aunt Kim made that for me and I love to use it at storytime.

Isn't this minne mouse so cool. She has velcro on her feet and hands so she can give me a hug. Sometimes mom and dad hook her hands so she hangs on my back. It's a fun game.

Oops almost forgot this picture from the bookstore. I found these other kids reading and I asked to borrow one of their books. Dad was very excited at my book choice.
Now that I am 18 months I want to give you an update on all the cool things I can do and say:
I can pick out my clothes now, I just started that this week. I picked out pajama pants my first day and mom and dad said ok since I picked it out.
I can climb up and down the stairs much quicker and safer now
I try to do the sign for I love you
I hug and kiss Gretchen every morning before we leave
I let Gretchen out of mom and dad's bedroom when we get home at night so mom can let her out to go potty
I give Gretchen her treats when she goes potty
I can say lots of words. New additions to my vocabulary include: cracker, treat, clothes, shirt, boots, shoes, hat.
One of my favorite words is hat, I think we need to wear a hat even when it's 50 degrees outside
I enjoy looking at mom's scrapbooks, especially when it's pictures of me
I can put my boots on by myself and I try to put mine and everyone else's shoes on
I can give the sign of peace at church, and it usually lasts a good 5 minutes for me (everyone wants to shake my hand)
I play pretend, especially in my crib when I don't think it's bedtime or naptime yet
I can throw Gretchen's ball for her
I'm sure there is more, but that's a snapshot of what I can do and what I'm up to.
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