I don't think I've been a baby for a long time, but Mom and Dad have finally come to that realization in the last couple of weeks. The major turning point was when they discovered I could wear pigtails. I guess babies don't wear pigtails.

I may not be a baby anymore, but I sure do like my bumbo chair. Mom and Dad brought it down from the attic so Ms. Keish, my day care lady, could borrow it for another one of the kids. I thought it was for me again, but I was wrong. I have been very nice and shared it with Eric at day care.

Hehe. I'm the Easter Bunny. These are so much fun to play with.

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit to watch the Daytona 500 and we got to work on our Disney vacation plans. Here I am helping Dad make plans. I saw Mickey mouse on the screen and I knew he needed my help.

I wasn't as big of a fan of this picture as everyone else was.

A new favorite pasttime of mine is taking ALL my blankets out of my dresser and playing with them. Mom and Dad wondered what we'd do with all those blankets we received as gifts...well now they know. We play night night all the time now. Baby goes night night, Daddy goes night night, Gretchen and Mommy go night night, but I stay up and take care of things around the house!

Gretchen and I all snuggled in for "night, night." Gretchen would have loved to sleep there all night, but I usually take the blankets away from her just about as quickly as I give them to her.

We all went to Loves Park one sunday to watch Ellie play in a volleyball tournament. do you love the hat Gram and Bakka got me. Everyone at the tournament commented on it. Note to self, don't let mom put me in overalls for the next volleyball tournament, it really makes escaping impossible. Every time I tried to run onto the court they grabbed me by the overalls...ugh!

Just helping Aunt Jen look at her pictures and decide if there is enough of me on there.

This was mine and Dad's creative way of picking things up so mom could vacuum my room. We thought it was fun, and then we got to play with my Mickey Mouse hat. It's really too bad mom missed out on the fun while she worked :)

Last weekend we went to Aunt Wendy and Uncle Andrew's house-warming party. I'm not sure what all the fuss was about the house felt pretty warm to me, but I guess they needed us there to help out. We were told to bring our slippers in case we went to the basement to play, so I brought my froggy slippers. I met some new kids and played with them while I was there. It was lots of fun.

Dad enjoyed the new blanket they got as a gift and their new chair while he talked to Uncle Andrew. It is a very nice house, and I think we'll be going back again to play games real soon.

This is why mom and dad think I'm no longer a baby. On Sunday before church mom decided to see if pigtails would work, and they did. I even left them in until the middle of church and then I kept taking them out. I refused to pose for a picture head on, but you can still see my pigtails this way. I'm sure I'll be wearing them more often now because we'll let's face it, they are stinking cute.
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