Well Blizzard 2011 became a reality and the we couldn't have been happier. Daddy's work closed at 2:00 on Tuesday and closed for Wednesday. Mom's work didn't officially close on Tuesday, but they used their discretion and headed home at 3:15. By 5:00 p.m. they announced a closure for Wednesday too. I didn't understand why mom and Dad were so excited , but then I found out it meant we all got to stay home together. In an unprecedented move, mom's work is also closed today so that's why we can update the blog. Woohoo for two snow days. Sorry dad you have to go to work.

To start the day off we sat and enjoyed some yummy muffins mom and I made the night before while we watched Blizzard 2011 news coverage. I love muffins.

Wow, Lake Shore Drive looks like a mess, glad we don't live near there.

Here I am sitting atop the huge pile of snow that was created as we dug out our driveway. Notice how I am all the way up to the front window.

This is dad taking a break right before the driveway was done. Our snowblower doesn't work so we had to shovel our way out....I'm not sure what the big deal was I helped and it didn't seem too hard, but mom and dad seemed to act like it was quite the workout.

That little bit at the end of the driveway is all that's left, but dad needed a break. He was exhausted.

While mom and dad worked I decided to take a break and see if my car could cut it in the snow.

Mom and I took my sled over to the park. Look at how close my feet are to the snow. It was so much fun, I cried when we had to leave.

That's the tracks from my sled you can't even see mom's boot prints. Mom said it was a huge workout for her, because the snow was up to her knees.

While we were at the park, dad took another break. It may not seem like mom did much work, but conveniently dad didn't take any pictures of mom shoveling out our front walk this morning.

Dad and I. Gees doesn't he know we don't have time for pictures, I've got a lot of work to do here.

See mom did make it outside, there's proof.

Whew this is hard work. Now I know why mom and dad had me...child labor.

Can you see me? Good thing I have this bright green coat, I might get lost in the snow otherwise.

This snow is so tall. While mom and dad shoveled they didn't have to worry that I'd go anywhere because the snow was the fence.

Dad went out to shovel a path for Gretchen. Here he is playing around in the snow drift by our garage.

Me and Emily having a snack at Gramma and Bakka's
Mom is taking a class and teaching a class this semester and one night while she was at class she called to check on me and dad just let me have the phone. Look below for the video of this hysterical call. All looks ok here, but once dad made me get off the phone all He** broke lose.

Meltdown city after having to give up the phone. I sobbed throughout all of dinner. Dad made me go to bed early, he is soooo mean. Paging all grandma and grandpas out there, you should definitely talk to him about this bad behavior. Why was I punished for just wanting to talk on the phone.

Our friends the hellman's came over to play. While the parents watched the Bears vs. Packers game, we played with my kitchen. Then I showed Kayleigh my cars and track. She thought it was great, but I actually think her dad thought it was even cooler than she did.

Have you heard about my love of shoes? I took all mom's shoes off her shelves and started trying them on.

While at Grandma and Grandpa Gerken's I got to try on Grandpa's headphones. When they are on you can't hear anything but the music. Hehehe it was funny when mom and dad tried to get my attention.

Do you love my crazy hair. Mom and dad really like this cute vest. Mom got it on sale for like $1.50...great deal mom.

And this is why they call me Crazy hair Gerken on occassion. This is how it started in the morning, and Grandma and Mom spent the rest of the weekend trying to tame it.
Here is the video of me talking to mom on her break from class. Listen closely for mom trying to get dad's attention. The second one is the complete meltdown after the phone was taken away...she is stilll upset during dinner.
Great pictures. I love them and the video was priceless. I am sure we will be seeing more pictures of all the snow days that you had. Glad I live in northern Wisconsin. Love you all