My apologies to my adoring fans, I've simply been to busy to update the blog. It also doesn't help that mom is taking two classes this semester so she's studying rather than helping me update. Geez I guess I'll need to figure out how to do this on my own, or convince dad to help me.

We went to Dixon one night to watch Ellie play volleyball. Her team won by a lot. Dad was excited to show me volleyball and how exciting it can be. He wants me to be a left-handed setter, we'll see.

This is the same gym mom played basketball in when she was in junior high. OK dad get me the ball and I'll spike. I've got quite the vertical.

We headed to Dixon for scarecrow festival and to visit with everyone. Uncle Doug, Aunt Chris, mom, dad, Emily and I walked downtown and decided to have some yummy thai food for lunch. I really liked it and love when dad fed me with chopsticks.

Emily wasn't so sure about the thai food, but didn't mind cheetos on chopsticks.

Showing off my dance moves downtown. They had huge speakers with music and the streets blocked off.

We do like each other, but we don't need to sit on top of each other. Uncle Doug this is silly.

I'd rather push my stroller than ride in it. I'm very independent now.

Emily and I playing at Gram and Bakka's house. Can you believe my mom mixed us up once. I'm clearly taller and more mature than her. Geez mom!

We went to Emily's house to play with all of her toys and then Bakka came up to visit when he got into town. Emily has some awesome toys.

Yeah, yeah Gramma I get it you love me to pieces, but I'd really like that juice. Can I just have one little drink and then you can kiss on me again.

I do love them, I'm just awfully tired and we still have to drive 45 minutes home tonight.

Daddy and I love to read the paper together. You can barely see me behind the paper!

Bundled up and ready to hit the shops of Long Grove for Apple Fest. We met up with Grandma and Granpa Gerken there.

Always more fun to ride on dad's shoulders.

Dad was being so mean and not letting me touch the puppet. Someday I'm going to be taller and he won't have a choice.

Apparently Grandma did not learn. She dumped out all the toys again. Guess who was left to pick them up....that's right me and Grandpa. Someone needs to put that woman in time out or something. She never learns.

I see one, I see one. It's a pumpkin! Dad told me and mom we were going to the pumpkin patch to pick our pumpkins, It just so happened to be in our backyard.

I don't want to carry it and you can't make me.

Dad grew these four pumpkins for us. Gretchen, Mom and I are really proud of him.

I've been watching the big kids swing for months at the park across the street, and I've been insisting on trying them out. Mom and I did one day a couple weeks ago, so we had to show dad how skilled I am.

Finally I like slides. Mom and Dad knew the day would come. They are sooo much fun. Dad didn't think I'd be ready to go down by myself for awhile. I sure did prove him wrong just minutes later.

This dinosaur gets so much action. Men, women, boys, girls, it doesn't matter everyone loves to play on this dinosaur. Everytime we look out our window someone is on the dinosaur.
Loved the update. Great pictures.