Hello world I am 15 months old now and completely unstoppable! I went to the doctor this week for a check-up not for being sick. I weighed in at a whopping 22 pounds (50th percentile) and I'm 31 1/2 inches tall (75th percentile). Mom was so excited to see I was above average for height, she was hoping some of Daddy's height genes would make it to me. The Dr. said I'm doing well and I certainly was taking a non-traditional route of getting my teeth. I now have 8 teeth and 1-2 on the way. I have my top middle four and bottom middle 2. Then I have random teeth in the back coming in, in no particular order. The doctor thought it was funny. Apparently the bottom front ones don't want to come in. I am getting really good at having my teeth brushed too. In other news I am still very clearly saying hi and bye at home, but at day care I say a couple more words. Ms. Keisha told mom, because she didn't realize I was holding out on mom and dad. At day care I've said thank you and excuse me. At least I have my manners, right?!?

On another one of my sick days (I took an entire week off of day care) Dad took me to McDonald's for a special treat after a doctor's appointment. Mom was at work and not excited to hear what I had for lunch.

Mom and I went to Jonomac Orchard again to meet Uncle Doug, Aunt Chris and Emily. They were there to pick out pumpkins. We were there just to tag along and have fun. Here Emily and I are in the big rocking chair.

We had a blast looking at pumpkins and posing for cute pictures.

Mom and Aunt Chris took the pumpkins to the car while Uncle Doug was in charge of rallying the troops. Wouldn't he have his hands full if he had twins?

Aunt Chris was kind enough to show me all the pictures I was in. I love to see myself.

On Sunday I hung out with Grandpa Gerken while Mom and Grandma went to a baby shower. He took me to the park so I could play and catch up with Gigi.

Someday I'll be able to climb this slide.

Grandma and Grandpa Gerken got me these way cool rain boots. It took me awhile to get used to wearing them, but now I love them. See those Molly someday you can wear them too!

Mommy and Daddy's little girl from the hood :)

I had Mickey's nose in my mouth and mom thought it was silly so she tried. Dad got a great picture of us. I was supposed to be in bed, but I didn't want anything to do with that.

Yep I definitely needed the boots and rain jacket today. I've been stuck inside all day, it's time for a walk. I have juice, boots, and my coat what else do I need?

I'm going whether you come with me or not!

My 15th month picture with Bear. This year we're going to do pictures every 3 months with me and Bear. It's hard to get me to sit still now though.

I was sort of whiny one night while mom was making dinner, so she got a great idea. She brought the dining room chair in for me to stand on and help her. We made tacos for dinner that night and lasagna for dinner later in the week. I even got to shake the basil into the sauce mix. It was fun reading the directions and prepping dinner.

At bedtime I get a little silly. I love my tea set, but this particular night I thought hmm I have two teacups and two feet, well of course they must be FOR my feet. I tried to wear them, but it was very difficult to walk.

I'm such a silly girl, and that is why Mommy and Daddy love me. I make them laugh a lot!

Daddy and I reading the paper after dinner one night. I think my Dad is just about the coolest thing ever (have to leave my options open, can't say coolest).
Video of me with my teacup shoes!
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