I am very mischievous these days. I have taken a liking to Gretchen's food and Mom and Dad don't like that. One day mom ran out to the car to get groceries (she was gone like 15 seconds) by the time she got back I had shut the back door on her, to buy myself some escape time. By the time she got the door open with all the groceries in her hand I was making a mad dash out of the kitchen. Mom knew something was up so she ran after me and she busted me. I had four pieces of dog food in my mouth. I have to work on my escape better. I also really enjoy taking all the books off my book shelf. Often times when mom and dad can't find me I'm sitting in the dark in my room reading my books and taking them off the shelves. I'm such a good reader, so they don't complain.
While Dad was at another work conference Mom and I headed to Dixon for my cousin Emily's Baptism. Here I am with my Aunt Jen and the cousins who were there that day. I really like Emily's hair, so I'm trying to pull it in this picture.
Isaac loves to play with me. He even unloaded what he was hauling so he could give me a ride.
I also brought my car to show Isaac and then he showed me these cool dump trucks. We had a good time playing together at the farm. It was a little wet to play at Bakka Park so we just played on the patio instead.
Mom and I have Fridays in the summer off so we get to hit up all the garage sales early in the morning. This past Friday we hit the jackpot. We got a little people farm, a little people car wash (with all the cars, animals, and people) and a fridge farm all for $9. Mom later found out brand new the toys are worth over $100, yep we're bargain shoppers. While I napped mom washed it all and boy was I excited when I got to play with all my new toys. I even decided to wear my farm girl outfit today to fit in with my toys!
On Saturday my friend Kayleigh, who is 6 months older than me, came over to play. She is shy and it took her awhile to warm up to me; I guess part of that could be because I was really excited that she came and I couldn't stop touching her and the neat buttons on her shirt. I guess no one can call me shy. We had a fun afternoon until I got grumpy. What can I say when I'm tired, I'm tired, I hear I get that from my mom.
See all four of my teeth. I'm pretty proud of them and know mom and dad let me have cheese. It is sooooo yummy, and I found out Gretchen likes it just as much as me!
In other news I started standing on my own this weekend. It started with just a few seconds, but now I can stand for almost a minute, but usually when I realize that I'm doing it I get nervous and grab for something or sit down. Mom and Dad keep saying how big I'm getting.
And now some vidoes. The first one is of me demonstrating how I can climb stairs now. The one bad thing is I climb one stair and then want to sit down, which usually means falling backwards.
This video is of my trying out my rocking chair for the first time. The very first time I sat in it I figured out how to make it rock. Yep, I'm a genius!
Uncle Brett came to visit this past weekend to watch World Cup Soccer with dad, but he had some free time to play with me too. We were so busy we didn't get any pictures, but did get this fun video of the two of us.
Wow she really got that rocking chair going. I loved the pics she sure does have a little devil in those eyes. What a cutie!!!