We had another fun weekend around the Gerken house. Dad had Friday off to watch USA play World Cup soccer. So we all had an extended weekend. Daddy was not to happy at the referee of the game, I guess our team should have won, but insted tied. I don't much care about the game, but it was fun to play with Dad's USA scarf. I hear we have 3 more weeks of soccer to watch.

On Saturday we got up early and headed to Joliet for Dad to run in a Warrior Dash. I've been to races to watch Dad before and none have been quite like this. I also got my first ride on a school bus. No carseats, no seatbelts, just sitting on mom's lap and looking out the window. It was so cool to be able to see everything passing us by. So we rode the bus to the race site and then we waited for Dad's time to start. Ther was a band playing (Dad said they were horrible). I thought the music was great and we danced around. Here I am posing with Dad pre-race.

See how good Dad looks before the race, now look at after the race. I told you it was like no other race we've been to.

Umm, Dad what is that stuff on your face? You are filthy I think you need a bath.

So you might ask yourself how he got so messy. Well, the warrior dash is a 5K that includes obstacles like climbing over hay bales, up a rope ladder, across planks, jumping fire, under barbed wire through mud, over hills, over cars, etc. Mom and I weren't able to see all of the obstacles, but we did see Dad on the rope ladder, jumping fire and going under the barbed wire. It looked like a lot of fun and I kept begging mom to let me get out of my stroller and play, but she wouldn't let me. Since it had rained for days before the event, even the spectator area was muddy. When we got home we even had to hose down my stroller. (Dad is the one jumping over fire on the right in this picture)

Here's Dad climbing through the mud under the barbed wire. I'm a champion crawler, I bet I could have beaten him at this obstacle.

After the race Dad had to get cleaned up, good thing I brought my baby wipes with me. While he got cleaned up and changed I hung out in the car making some important phone calls and catching up with text messages.

On Sunday we celebrated Father's Day by having Grandma and Grandpa Gerken, Gigi, Uncle Brett, Bakka, Aunt Jen, Isaac, Ellie, Uncle Doug, Aunt Chris, and Emily over. It was fun, but we missed Uncle Andrew, Aunt Wendy, Uncle Jason, Aunt Kim, Gramma, Carly and Molly (I hear this is my newest cousin, but I haven't met her yet). Daddy picked out my outfit for today, and everyone loved my party dress.

Before everyone arrived, Gretchen and I played outside. She played ball and I played cars and bubbles. Big news, I like bubbles now. They used to scare me, but not anymore. I even tried to eat them.

These are the cupcakes mom made for Father's Day. She has been taking a cake decorating class. I guess that is her excuse for why there haven't been as many pictures taken of me lately. Luckily, the class is almost over and we can get that problem fixed. I hear she has an idea already for my first birthday cake, but she won't tell me. Ooh I can't wait to see it!

Sorry no good pictures of the actual event because Dad was busy grilling and mom was busy getting everything set up. I guess I need to learn how to use the camera so I can be the photographer while they work. Hmmm, maybe we should hire a photographer to take the pictures of my first birthday party. Anyways, after everyone left, we watched Aladdin (well Mom and Dad watched while I played, though I did stop to dance whenever a song came on). Notice Dad has ice on his knee....an injury from that crazy warrior dash!

One last picture that dad snapped while I was hosting a tea party. I invited Mommy, Gretchen and Bear, it was a wonderful event with tea and cookies.

I hope you enjoyed my update, who knows what our next update might entail. Mom is headed out of town for a girls 30th birthday weekend while Dad and I are left to hold down the fort. Oh boy it's going to be crazy!
That tea party picture is precious!!