We were released from the hospital on Tuesday evening and finally got home around 9:00 p.m. We were excited to finally be home, but nervous for our first evening. I'm happy to report so far we've made it two nights and we're all still here; however not without a couple rookie mistakes. Because of jaundice we currently have to wake Cassidy up every 3 hours in the evening to eat, even if she wants to sleep, hopefully that won't last long. The first evening at one feeding we found that she had wriggled herself out of her swaddled blanket, out of her diaper and had peed all over her sheets. I fed her while Brian changed sheets (now we know why you have more than one extra set of sheets). The second night she managed to do the same thing....so this morning we both had a lesson in diapering 101 (one night it was Brian's diaper she worked her way out of and one night it was mine). Here are some new pics...we'll try to update often because we know there are many of you following this closely, especially those grandparents who just can't get enough of Cassidy (we can't blame you-she's adorable)

Brian reads Cassidy the first of many stories-she was very interested in it.

Cassidy is ready to leave the hospital (this is what we affectionately call her Popeye look-she's made this face since the very first night)

My parents were headed back from a wake the evening we got home so they stopped by to welcome Cassidy home. Mom took a great coming into the house for the first time picture (a little staged, but who cares)

Long nights mean day time naps for the whole family. Cassidy and Daddy check out the new blanket from the Brechon family (thanks Dave, Janelle, Alisha and Anna-we love it)

Gretchen finally came home on Wednesday and was soooo excited to see us and Cassidy. She came right in and inspected Cassidy, approved and moved on to playing with her toys she had missed in the days she was gone. (She has now taken to sleeping in Cassidy's room and frequently will check her out when she naps on the floor-so far they get along great)

One of the times we were waiting for our "allowed" time with Cassidy in the hospital. Brian took a nap with the blanket I made for her, it didn't quite fit him, but he said he was making it smell like him for her.
We are excited that tomorrow Cassidy will get to meet her Aunt Kim, Uncle Jason and cousin Carly, more pictures to follow. She has met all the rest of her aunts and uncles and hopefully everyone will share pictures with me as I don't have those ones (never good for the scrapbooker to be the one laid up in the hospital bed-now I have to wait for others to share pics with me) Thank you everyone for the good wishes and prayers, we appreciate it all!
We're off to eat and head to bed, our first doctor's appointment is tomorrow bright and early.