Cassidy has been so busy lately that she has asked me to update the blog for her. In true Cassidy form she is bossing her mother around. So here goes. First and foremost you might be asking why is the title of this blog update, "NOah" well because that is a phrase we hear entirely too often in our house. Apparently noah is much more fun than just plain no. Sometimes Cassidy will have a 10 minute conversation with you and all she says is NOah. Last night after dinner while sitting at the table she said NOah about 25 times and with several different tones and with different gestures. It was quite hilarious. I'm not sure who this NOah character is, but I certainly cannot wait until he leaves. We'll try in the next few days to get some video of her saying it, because it is quite cute.

Cassidy discovered the amazing little thing we call an iPod. She was simply fascinated by this little invention.

Packing to go to Dixon for a long weekend for Ellie's graduation. We thought there was room for Cassidy inside the luggage. She thought it was hilarious.

On Friday we headed to Dixon for Ellie's graduation from 8th grade. We met Jenni, Kim, Jason and the girls for coffee and then headed to school to surprise mom. Boy was she surprised when we all walked in. Isaac, who is in her class, was absolutely horrified to see us all in his classroom. I think he was very embarrassed, as he didn't even acknowledge knowing us. Cassidy had been to Gram's classroom before so she just made herself at home in the kitchen.

Carly took the empty desk and became one of th students just like that. We had trouble getting her to leave because she really liked school. She wanted to go to school again right after we left.

Cassidy was checking out all the kids eating their snack.

We stayed for story and snack time and then headed out to the park.

A lifesize toy, Cassidy really liked this one.

Now Molly is big enough to sit at the little kids table for snack time. Notice Gretchen parked on the floor waiting for food to fall. Amazingly she usually beat the other bigger dogs to the food.

I can't believe that our little Ellie is going to high school. This was her at graduation.

Always a favorite at Gram and Bakka's, playing the piano. The girls are getting so good at now.

Helping Gramma make pancakes one morning.

Sidewalk chalk on the porch. Jason made a nice memorial day picture, and then girls promptly wiped their hands on it so they would have chalk hands to play with.

Such a nice, long weekend to kick back and relax.

Oh where is my pink ball...oh where is my pink ball...oh where oh my pink ball (sing to the tune of "Oh where is my hairbrush" by the veggie tales.) Those silly girls kept losing this ball and insisted on us helping..we found it it permanently resides in the flower bed somewhere, maybe with the lost easter egg from the Easter egg hunt this year.

Helping Gramma pull weeds so they could plant more flowers.

Molly really wanted a banana and she fed herself a whole big chunk. Notice Kim's surprised/nervous face.

More helping Gramma plant flowers.

Cassidy threw her plant in the pot and then proceeded to bury it under dirt. Not sure if she thought this was planting or if she was trying to prove to Gramma that she should not be asked to "help" in the future.

The buried flower.

Who knew this little wall in the Strock house could prove to be so much fun. The kids including Doug and Andrew ran around in circles around it until they all fell down. Their were screams, giggles, and lots of fun for all even the spectators.

Celebrating Carly's 3rd birthday. Boy does she look grown up. She blew the candles out before we even sang, so we had to redo it.

Playtime at Jenni and Brian's on their swingset. The kids loved playing outside there.

Two little peas in a pod, trying to share this super cute chair.

We just might have a little drummer on our hands here. She really likes the drums....not sure how we feel about that.

Everyone was relaxing watching a movie before we had to head back to Gram and Bakka's for bedtime. What a great and comfy movie room the Strocks have.

Notice the different outfit, the next day after planting as we walked by the pot Cassidy grabbed some dirt and threw it on top of her flower again. I guess she really wanted it buried.

Waiting for everyone to get ready to walk down to the Memorial Day parade.

Out for a walk before the parade. Carly is trying to keep her shorts up, though it does look questionable.

Waiting for the parade to come by.

Emily wasn't feeling the best this weekend so we didn't get to see her much, but she did come to the parade and shared her wagon while she was there.
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