Time for an update because I have been busy over the last week or so going on trips, catching up with old friends, etc.

Most nights I get to eat whatever Mom and Dad are having now, and I love it. This night was stuffed shells, and they were delicious. I love feeding myself, and this night I managed to keep the pasta and sauce out of my hair, a real feat for me.

Last Sunday, Mom, Dad, Sass and I went to CornFest to listen to Phil Vassar in concert. It was a free concert so we just took a blanket and sit on the lawn listening. I did get up to dance around a bit too. It was a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon/evening.

Sass is not real sure about me, but I make him warm up to me. He was taking a nap on the blanket and decided to climb on him.

It may look like Dad and I are all dressed up for some special occasion, but we're really just dressed and ready for the workday. I have lots of fancy dresses and nowhere special to go, so I get dressed up for day care now. Ms. Keisha loves it and thinks I look so pretty when I get there.

Dad came home on Friday with a fun idea for how to spend our Saturday, take the train to Chicago. I've never been to the city and never been on a train, it was a weekend of firsts. Here Mom and I are on the train waiting for it to start moving.

Dad let me stand on the seat for awhile so I could look out at the scenery zipping by us. As usual I entertained many people on the train with my award winning personality. All I had to do was wave enough and people would smile and wave back.

When we got to Chicago we had a picnic lunch at Grant Park, and then walked to Navy Pier. There was a big ships show, but it was really crowded and Mom and Dad decided not to pay to go see them. We just walked along and enjoyed the sites and the people watching. Boy, Chicago has a lot of people, and a lot of interesting people to watch. Mom and I could have sat and watched people all day.

Mom and Dad posed for a picture outside Navy Pier before our walk back. I missed the photo op because I was getting my beauty rest in the stroller.

Did I forget to mention Mom and Dad's friends Jeremy and Teresa joined us for our outing. They got on the train a few stops after us, but they joined us for our outing to Chicago. I had fun with them too, though I'm not sure they're ready for one of me yet.

We got on the train to go home early so we could get a good seat. Good thing we did too, because it was a packed train and people had to stand. Since we were on early though I got to run up and down the aisles and check it out. I had so much fun and as people boarded they waved at me.

Almost to our stop and I'm getting restless since I'm not allowed to walk around while the train is moving.

Today we went on another adventure. Mom and I took Dad back to Brookfield Zoo to show him the Great Bear Wilderness exhibit since it is new since the last time he went. We got to see it when we took Sara earlier this month. Here I am all packed into the wagon with our second picnic lunch of the weekend.

Relaxing on the bench with a snack while we wait for the Hellman's who were joining us on our zoo trip.

Dad let me sit on his shoulders so I could see over all the people checking out the polar bear. This polar bear was being so silly splashing and playing with his food. I guess his mom doesn't yell at him for playing with his food like mine does.

Kayleigh and I shared my wagon for a little while.

Dad almost has the wing span of a bald eagle, but not quite.

See how I measure up to the big bear, more like a little cub.

Stretching my legs after the big bear wilderness on my way to the primate house. The gorilla's are mom's favorite so we always have to make sure we make it there when we go to the zoo.

So those are the monkeys that get in trouble when they jump on the bed. They look like they should be able to catch themselves before they bump their heads.

Family photo on our way out of the zoo.

Mom snapped this picture when she was stopped at the red light just outside the zoo. I guess I was more tired than I thought. I ended up sleeping almost the whole way home.

Back at home after a long weekend of adventures I had to get ready for a bath. While the tub got filled Dad and I worked on my volleyball skills. I'm starting to get really good.
In other news, one of my teeth that has been trying to come in for months finally popped through. I know have 5 teeth and 3 more that will hopefully make their appearance soon. Well that's our update for now. We had so much fun on our adventures this weekend. Next weekend we'll be going to see Grandma and Grandpa Gerken so we can celebrate Dad's 30th birthday (it's Tuesday if you didn't know :)
Have a great week everyone.
A very busy weekend. What an adventure. I cannot believe how much she has changed in such a short time. Happy birthday to Brian, hope you had a great day.