Big news before I share the new pictures that mom and dad have taken recently. I am finally getting a tooth. Most babies get their first tooth between 5-7 months old, I'm almost 9 months old and still sporting a gummy grin. Mom and Dad felt it in my mouth yesterday morning and you should have seen how excited they got. Their was cheering, clapping, it was so much fun. We can't see the tooth yet, but Mom felt it and I keep playing with it with my tongue.

Mom had lots of night programs for work last week so rather than miss seeing me she took me to one of them. I had fun entertaining the college students. They think I'm adorable.

Last weekend we had the whole Kitson crew (minus the Minnesota Schahls) over to help us trim our trees and have some fun in the sun. Grandma fed me my lunch outside in my jumperoo.

Finally, that ugly awning that Mom and Dad have been talking about getting rid of since we moved in is gone. Our living room is so much sunnier now and our house looks 10 years younger, or so I've been told.

The trees getting trimmed so Daddy can work on his gardening. Thanks everyone for coming to help us making our house even prettier.

Bakka and Gram brought me mom's old Cozy Coupe. Now I have one of my very own. I was able to make it go backwards by myself.

Emily and I checking each other out. We haven't seen each other in a little while, and I was very jealous of her cool Cubs hat.

I am showing Emily my toys. She did not understand I was SHOWING her my toys not letting her play with them. Gramma tried to make me share, but these are mine and I didn't want to share. Gretchen was having the same problem sharing with Luna (Andrew and Wendy's new puppy). We had fun together though. I'm sure Emily's mom will soon post our cute pictures from the park when we were swinging together.

And this is why mom and dad have to childproof the house. I am on the move and of course I want to get into everything I'm not supposed to. That's my job I'm a kid.

We bought a jogging stroller so that mom and dad can take me with them on their runs. They keep saying how much harder it is to run while pushing this, but I don't understand. It seems pretty simple to me, I even manage to take a nap sometimes.
Very cute!!!!! I did hear the family go lots done. What a fun weekend. Can't wait to see your mommy next weekend. I am sure you and daddy will have a great time together. Daddy will have to keep his phone handy because mommy will be calling. You can give her kisses over the phone.