Well hello again from the Gerken household. As promised more pictures from the new camera and a video at the end! While Cassidy has been rolling from front to back for awhile (not often, but does it) she has yet to roll from back to front until this morning. In the wee hours of the morning we heard crying and it was going on for awhile so we checked on her. I found her on her tummy resting on her elbows sobbing. She must have rolled over in the middle of the night and didn't know how to get back. She did not like being on her tummy when she wanted to sleep. After soothing her and putting her back to sleep on her back she was out in seconds. We're not thinking she will be rolling over again like that soon.

Here Cassidy is watching the NIU bowl game on January 2nd. Sadly they did not win, but she enjoyed watching the game all snuggled up in her seat.

Brian decided to let Cassidy try drinking out of a cup since she stares at us when we do it. It was an adventure, very mess, but she liked it, not that her eyes reflect it in this picture.

Cassidy likes to cheer daddy on when he does his push-ups. When it's sit up time she likes to sit on his legs.

This is what we got Cassidy. She loves to look at herself and it plays music. She loves it and the songs unfortunately are very catchy so Brian and I find ourselves singing them even when they toy isn't on. Notice all that hair, she is finally getting more.

On New Year's Eve we decided to let Cassidy celebrate a little by trying her first food other than rice cereal. She had sweet potatoes and loved them. She gobbled them up. So far she's had sweet potatoes and carrots. She likes them both. Brian even made homemade of them both after trying the Gerber kind. Verdict is homemade sweet potatoes pass the test but carrots were a big failure, I guess no one makes them like Gerber.

After cleaning up from the sweet potato mess Cassidy got all dressed up for the party. She did not wear the scarf later, just for the picture. We were so excited for her to welcome our guests in her party dress and tights, but she was tuckered out when they arrived and was in jammies and headed to bed.

Cassidy's cousin Isaac is reading to her from the new book he got her for Christmas. He volunteered to babysit if we needed it too. He's such a good big cousin.

Cassidy and Brian made dinner while I was gone to a meeting, this is what I came home to.

Over Christmas break we visited with some friends and this is their daughter Kayleigh. She is about 6 months older than Cassidy. During their playdate Kayleigh was silent and explored while Cassidy babbled on and on. We figure that in a few years Cassidy will be bossing Kayleigh around, we have no idea where she gets that :)
I cannot figure out how to change the orientation of this video, but we had to share this. This is Cassidy in her all time favorite toy, the jumperoo, which we affectionately call the poop-a-roo at our house. No matter when you put her in there she will have a dirty diaper when you take her out and boy is it messy. She loves her time in there, best garage sale purchase we've ever made, only $20!
We hope you've enjoyed our update.
The Jumperoo was Lucas all time fvorite toy. He loved it so much at daycare we had to buy one for home. You got a great deal for 20$--way to go. Gosh she is getting so big so fast.