Big things happening around the Gerken household these days. Sorry we haven't updated in awhile we've been busy with work, finding time to enjoy our little one and finding time to sleep. Sadly our sleep has actually gotten worse (we didn't think it could). Little Miss Cassidy has decided that reverting back to the sleep patterns of when she was just a newborn is a good idea. We're still hopeful that someday before she turns one we'll get to sleep through the night, at least she's cute and has that going for her. As Brian and I like to say she's being sold to the gypsies as soon as they come by our house! And now onto the pictures and big developments.

We had an absolutely beautiful weather day last Saturday (60 degrees and sunny)so Brian went on a run and Cassidy and I went on a nice long walk. She was awake, but relaxed the entire walk, then 2 blocks from home she fell asleep. so she took a nap in her stroller while Gretchen and I played ball in the front yard. Everyone enjoyed the sunshine!

On Sunday night we were just relaxing in the living room and I decided to get down on the floor to get a cute picture of tummy time. Immediately after I put down the camera Cassidy rolled onto her back, scaring herself. We cheered and she cried wonderig how in the world she got there. This was her first experience with rolling over...we're sure more is to come soon.

Sunday night also brought the first experience with rice cereal. It went as well as could be expected. Most ended up on her chin or bib, but she did open her mouth for more a couple of times. We'll continue practicing and hopefully soon she'll get the hang of it.
Finally, after weeks of trying to capture in on camera I was to get a smile. I worked very hard to get her to smile for the camera and it finally worked. What a cutie she is!This is after she was done eating last night, most on her chin and big again, but we had fun.

Brian was playing with Cassidy in her room and called me in to see. She is very strong and likes to stand supported. He decided to have her stand next to the toybox and she was able to stand alone for a few seconds.

She started to get fussy last night and I grabbed this Tigger who when you press him down he bounces and sings. Once I pressed him down, she immediately stopped fussing and couldnt' take her eyes off of him. Hmmmm, I hope this trick continues to work.

Eventually she was brave and just knocked Tigger over, it was cute. We'll have to get video of her and Tigger together.

Well that's it for now. Thursday we go for her fourth month check-up so we'll have updates on how big she is getting. I'm very interested to get the updated stats because from lugging her and carseat around I'm thinking she gained a few pounds.
Editors note: We will not actually sell her to gypsies, but anyone who wants to come over and stay the night we'll gladly let you have night duties while we go upstairs and get a good night's sleep.
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