Well a lot has been happening here at the Gerken household since we last posted. Cassidy is now 6 weeks old (7 tomorrow) and is growing like a weed. We are happy to report that last week Wednesday we saw her first "social" smile. We are so excited because now it feels like we're performing for a captive audience rather than just being goofballs. She can be stingy with her smiles, but when you get one it's totally worth it. Last night my mom and dad came to babysit while we went to Baptism preparation class and again Cassidy was very stingy with her smiles. In fact Gram and Bakka didn't get one the whole time they watched her, but when we got back she started to half smile and then she did a little laugh (her first one). We all heard it and decided it was even better than a smile alone. Cassidy also did her first sleepover, we went to Grandma and Grandpa Gerken's for Labor Day weekend. She is also doing very well at tummy time and can hold her head up remarkably well and is very alert when she's awake. Of course we think she's a genius!
We are still not getting too much sleep, but we're down to 2 nighttime wakeups which is ok and we're adjusting to less sleep. Last night we even got a 5 hour stretch (not normal) which we really appreciated. Brian is keeping busy with work and his running program, he's preparing for his first race a 10K the end of October. I am back to work one day a week and will return full-time on Columbus day. I also was given the ok to resume normal activity and even did a short run the other day and am doing workout videos-who knew it would feel so good to sweat!
And what you've all been waiting for.....more pictures!

Cassidy had such a great time with Grandma and Grandpa Gerken. They got to see lots of her smiles and they worked her hard during tummy time each day. While we were there we got to see Brian's baby book. Once I get a scanner I'll get pictures of his up here next to hers and there will be no question who she looks like.

Gram and Bakka came to babysit last night so we could go to Baptism class. We had dinner and then they spent quality time with Cassidy. It gave them the baby fix they needed.

Great Grandma got to spend some time with Cassidy as well and she even got to see her awake for once.

Here is Cassidy at 6 weeks..note the same hat that she wore in the hospital on her beach vacation...now she looks a little less yellow than she did then.

Brian had his friends over for their monthly gaming session and Cassidy was introduced to the world of gaming and dice. As Brian says if he raises her right she's going to make some little nerd boy very happy someday.This same weekend she also got introduced to fantasy football drafts. What a weekend she had. All the gaming guys love her and take a turn holding her.

Brian took this great picture so he could have a picture of his girls for his desk at work. What a great shot!
great pictures and looks like the grandparents kind of like her a "little". Now you will have to work on the camera smiles. we will see her at the wedding so that will be lots of fun. have fun this weekend at the shower. Great invites. Sorry I can't make it. love you al;