We are happy to report we successfully made it through Baptism. There was a bit of confusion at the beginning. They only had down that three were being baptized and of course Cassidy was the one left out. It all worked out and in the end she got baptized, we just need to get her certificate later, not a big deal at all. So yesterday Cassidy along with three other little girls got baptized.
We are thankful so many friends and family could make it to the day especially since everyone had to drive to DeKalb. Cassidy was baptized at our church, Christ the Teacher Parish (it's the church on the university campus)

The family after Cassidy's Baptism (she wore the same gown I wore that has been in the family for generations)

Grandma and Granpa Gerken with a not so happy Cassidy (she was great throughout mass, then Baptism was another story, she was a little hungry and a lot tired-not a good combination)

Gram and Baka Kitson

The Godparents-Brett (Brian's brother) and Jenni (my sister)

Fr. Godwin wasd the priest, he's one of our favorites. Moments before this picture she was sleeping so I said as I handed her to him that I hoped she wouldn't cry since she cried through most of the Baptism. He said well if she does I'll just pour some more water on her head. He's such a funny guy.

This was her look most of Baptism-both parents trying to calm her. The pacifier did help some.

After the Baptism we headed back to our house for some lunch, fun and the Bears game. Cassidy did not have a good nap all day, but Ellie and Allison definitely tried. They read her several books in her room. I see a definite possibility of babysitters in these two. She was so tired after her big day that she went to bed at 7:00 p.m. and with only one middle of the night wake-up at 12:45 for food we feel blessed.
This week we have the dreaded 2 month appointment and shots, then we're headed to Dixon for the weekend.