As promised once Cassidy let us sleep more we'd update with pictures. I'm happy to report she is getting back on a schedule and seems much happier and more rested now. We're still getting up 2 times a night, but at least she goes right back to sleep and last night the second wake-up was at 5:15 so Brian was able to play with her until 5:45 when I woke up to feed her. Yeah for progress and a happy baby! Here are some pictures from Andrew and Wendy's wedding this past weekend.

Isaac loves his little cousins and before the wedding he and Cassidy played on the floor with her favorite toy, Mickey Mouse.

More playing (oops Isaac crushed his corsage during playtime)

For some reason over the wedding weekend, Brian became Carly (our niece's) favorite person. She would reach out to have him pick her up, which she doesn't do with anyone but her parents. They danced together and hung out, it was adorable. Someone asked her to give Brian a kiss and she did right on the nose and I had the camera ready for the perfect picture.

A family picture at the reception. We all wore different shades of green, definitely not planned.

Cassidy has taken to joining us at the dinner table when we eat dinner. She's not quite ready to eat her dinner at the table, but she enjoys joining us, taking part in the conversation and playing with her Mickey Mouse.

Cassidy in a cute Mickey fleece outfit that Gram got her at a garage sale.

Brian and Cassidy relaxing in the hotel on Saturday before the wedding. This was after a long and not restful night. They are enjoying a soccer game, which is their favorite thing to do on Saturday mornings. No cartoons for these two, they'd rather have soccer anyday. Oh yep and there's Mickey again!
We'll update again once Cassidy gets to meet her new cousin, Emily, next weekend. Another girl and only 3 months apart they will surely have some fun times growing up together!