Awhile back I discovered a pile of my things that were being put away in the attic. Mom and Dad didn't think they fit, but I thought the boots, sunglasses and hat did. Am I not stylish in this outfit.
I have taken to telling my Mom and Dad that I "need" things. They try to correct me to tell me that I really "want" them, but I think they are wrong. On the way to daycare one morning I told my Mom that I needed a light saber. She was shocked at this proclamation. Of course she had to call Dad and tell him. He was so excited that once he got home from work he went through some of his hidden toys and found a light saber for each of us. Mom thinks I'm a lost cause and have gone to the dark side, I'm not sure what she means by this.
I really enjoy book time at night, and I like it even more when I can read to Daddy and put him to bed.
I will try to put more pictures up again soon. We really need to get some video because my vocabulary is changing far more than my looks. In fact the other night I told mom the dinner she made was delicious.