Well hello everyone. I've been busy since my last update. Here goes.

Mom and I enjoyed the beautiful weather a couple weekends ago and we painted our toenails on the front porch. I LOVE the paint and think it is beautiful.

Mom and Dad thought I was adorable eating my taco one night so out came the camera. Have I mentioned what a great eater I am. I don't necessarily love vegetables, but most things Mom and Dad feed me I at least try.

Mom and I went in to work/school late on Dad's birthday and we made him a cheesecake. It was the first cheesecake either of us has ever made. It was a huge hit.

A couple weeks ago we met Grandma and Grandpa Gerken at the zoo so we could celebrate Dad's birthday with them. We showed them the play zoo at Brookfield this time. Here I am tending to an injured skunk.

I got to play dress up and be a zookeeper. I could definitely have a future cleaning up after animals.

I got try out my skills at the balance beam with Grandma and Grandpa's help.

Grandma and I sat down and enjoyed listening to the Very Hungry Caterpillar book complete with puppet and props. It was really cool.

Last Friday I went to my very first dentist appointment. My mom, the scrapbooker, brought her camera. I saw the camera and decided to pose for her in the waiting room. I wonder how many other mom's take pictures at the dentist.

The visit started with me showing the dental hygenist how I brush my teeth. I was a big fan of the small mirror, because I got to look at my favorite person, Cassidy. (Or as I say Sassidy)

The dental hygenist showed me how her toothbrush worked. She was very nice and told me eveyrthing she was doing.

They put this purple stuff on my teeth so Mom and I could see what spots we don't brush well enough. Mom thought that was pretty cool. Now we'll be brushing my gum line better.

Showing off my nice clean teeth to the dentist when she came in.

I wasn't done yet, the dentist had to examine my teeth and count them. She said I was ahead of schedule with my molars. That's funny since I was a little late to get my first tooth. She said I have caught up and passed others my age. I only have three more molars to come in.

Mom made me pose with my dentist and dental hygenist. The dentist asked mom what she did to prepare me for the visit. She said, "Uh, I said okay let's go to the dentist." The dentist and dental hygenist were amazed because I was so good. I listened when they wanted my mouth opened, I didn't cry. I was very brave. I even got two huge stickers at the end of the visit. Mom says it's further reason why I'll be an only child. She doesn't think there is any way a second child could be as easy going as I am, and she and Dad wouldn't know what to do.

Last weekend we went to Dixon for a visit; we hadn't been there in quite awhile. Saturday morning we went to the coffee shop and met mom after her run. Aren't my Aunt Jen and I adorable?

On the walk home from the coffee shop we stopped by the fire department to see Uncle Brian who was in on a call. Ellie showed me the fire trucks. It wasn't anything new for Emily so she didn't want to pose for a picture.

Then we headed up to Emily's playground. Her mom and dad built it in their backyard, and it is awesome. Emily, Isaac and I played for awhile. We will definitely be going back to visit Emily again soon. I guess it's a good thing I have a park across the street or Mom and Dad would have to build me something like this.

Emily also has this cool roller coaster toy. We all took turns riding on it. Isaac helped us little girls to get one safely and then he pushed us down the ramp.

Later after my nap we went to Aunt Jen's house so Isaac could show me how he rides a bike now and to get a gator ride. Here we are headed out on a gator ride.

Isaac even let me try my hand at driving it. He had to help me push the pedal every once and awhile, and steer. This driving this is new to me, but I sure did enjoy it.

Aren't we adorable. Isaac may look scared in this picture, but he really was having fun. We even got the gator stuck on a hill and then he brought his three wheel trike to pull me out. It was really fun playing with Isaac.
All in all I've been having a lot of fun over the last few weeks. Now that fall is upon us we'll be busy with football, apple orchards, and pumpkin farms. Mom has so many things she wants us to do, but our weekends book up so fast. Sorry no pictures from our first NIU game this year (they won), but it was rainy and cold. Our next game is in a couple of weeks, we'll get pictures then.