Thursday, April 28, 2011
Easter and more
I am now 21 months old, which means only 3 months until my 2nd birthday and 3 months until I'm in Disney World for the first time. YEAH!
Yes, I know I'm adorable. Mom and Dad just love this picture!
As mom was getting ready to go to scrapbook weekend, I took out the books and looked at them. This helped remind her why she does it.
"But mom, why can't I go to scrapbook weekend yet?" I'm here with all your stuff ready to go.
This was the sight mom got when she got back from scrapbook weekend. Just making sure there are lots more cute pictures of me for her to scrapbook.
Just coming back from my park across the street. It's nice living this close we can make quick trips to get a fix in every day if need be.
Mom and Dad put me to work when it comes to grocery shopping now. I have to help carry things in from the car.
Dad teaching me his card game, "Game of Thrones." He's trying to nerd me up, as mom calls it.
I'm getting really good at this game.
Mom and I took a much needed day off and went to Hennepin to visit her college friends Natalie and Erin. Natalie had her nephew Braxton there and Erin brought her daughter Addy. It was a lot of fun.
The first of many egg coloring days in preparation for Easter.
I even drew a picture on my egg so it showed up once it was colored.
We got to help Erin make the frosting for the cookies.
We were big helpers.
Yep, my decorating technique hasn't changed much since Christmas. Frost and eat cookie.
For Easter we went to Dixon. Isaac showed me this awesome castle he got for his birthday. It was very nice of him to let me play with it too.
Can I get one of these castles too?
If you've never seen my Dad or my Uncle Brett relaxing...well it looks just like this. I'm perfecting my couch potato.
Coloring eggs again, I'm getting good at this.
Mom watched me like a hawk because I really wanted to drink the stuff on the spoon. I don't see what the problem is.
Just waiting for my eggs to finish coloring, so I posed for a cute picture.
Emily and I were wondering when the EAster Bunny was going to come and hide all the Easter Eggs.
Bye Emily, I'll miss you. But luckily we'll see each other tomorrow fo r the egg hunt.
The Easter Bunny brought me all this cool stuff, what a nice bunny!
This is my new doll, Eva. I really like her and love to play with her. Here I am trying to feed her a snack.
Eva, it's time to eat, now be a big girl.
Ready for the Easter egg hunt.
There are some eggs, I"ll get them.
Emily, here why don't you just hold this egg for me.
Still hunting. This EAster bunny really did a lot of work while I was sleeping.
BAck at home reading to Eva and Gretchen.
Mom, Dad, and I took the day after EAster off so we could have fun at home. It was a cold, rainy day, but when the rain stopped we headed outside for some fun with bubbles.
Well that's it for now, Thanks for stopping by to see what I've been up to. I'll be sure to update sooner next time so there's not this many pictures.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Terrible Two's here I come!
Sorry for the lengthy delay in updating the blog. There really is no good excuse, excep that Mom is usually the one to help me and she's been working almost every night :(
Can you tell I LOVE Pudding! Dad has been asking mom a lot lately if starting the terrible two's early means I will be out of them early too. Oh silly Daddy!
Here I am enjoying some strawberries. I was actually feeding them to mommy, which she loved.
Sometimes in the morning I'm just not quite ready to get out of bed. It's on those lazy days that Mom or Dad come in and give me a few of my books to sit and read in bed. Here I am enjoying my milk and books in bed.
Mommy, I have your shoes for you.
Mom and I went to meet her friend, Natalie for breakfast a couple of weeks ago. Natalie's nephew, Braxton, came with. Daddy was not happy when he found out I had a breakfast "date" with a boy and that we even held hands.
Don't you just love the pony tail on the top of my head. It helps to keep my long hair out of my face, but once I discover it's in there I immediately take it out. I also happen to be wearing Gretchen's winter coat and two of her collar covers. Have you ever seen the movie, "Tommy boy" Think "Fat guy in a little coat" Mom and dad just laugh as I try to put it on and take it off.
Emily, Uncle Doug, and Aunt Chris came for a play date a couple of weeks ago. Emily and I had so much fun playing with all my toys.
Emily sure does like to hug, I wasn't so sure about it.
Before they left it was getting late so Emily had to change into her pajamas for the ride home. Uncle Doug tickled us, he's so much fun.
We shared the chair Bakka made me so we could both see out the window better. This stool is perfect for letting me get a better look at all the people at the park.
Mommy said something very funny to make me laugh. Now you can see all my teeth. See that park in the background, it's right across from my house, which leads to lots of fights. I think that I should be able to go to the park whenever I want, Mom and Dad do not think so. They are trying to teach me how to cross the street safely, because I like to run towards the park without a care about the cars.
Gram and Bakka came to visit to go to the really awesome fish fry at our church. They came back to our house afterwards to visit and read me stories. I even read to them too.
Last weekend we went to Wheeling to visit the Gerken side of the family because mom and Grandma had a wedding shower to go to. That evening we went out to Lou Malnati's, a great pizza place. I really enjoyed the pizza. See me eating the yummy crust!

Emily and I showing off our dancing skills.
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