Can you believe that I'm almost 18 months old? I know me either, but it's true in just 10 short days I'll be a whole year and a half Since I'm getting so big I figured I'd try out mom's shoes to see if they fit me better. I'm sort of a shoe lover already. I'm sorry it's been so long since an update, I really have no excuses, except that I'm busy being a kid.

The week after Christmas Grandma and Grandpa Gerken came to visit and delivered the kitchen they got me for Christmas. Here I am helping Grandpa and Daddy put it together. Grandpa thought we needed instructions, I didn't think so.

I'm not sure who had more fun with all my new toys, me or Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma helped me unpack all my groceries and dishes.

As for Grandpa, well I guess he decided to take a break in the tent, he's soo silly.

Grandma and Grandpa also brought this neat toybox/bench that the Gillespies, a family friend, didn't want anymore. Daddy and I love the new addition. I think it's pretty neat to climb up and sit on.

Mom and Dad had friends over for New Year's. One of them is my favorite babysitter, and one of mom's good friends, Becky. I got to play with everyone for a little while before my bedtime.

Ever wonder how someone ever becomes a bank robber...maybe this is it! Mom and Dad did not coax me into putting these on my head I did it all alone; however, they did run for the camera because it was too funny. These are my pretty pink tights. I think they're better on my head than on my legs.

Haha, didn't know it was me, did you?

I know understand the camera more and will say cheese and do a super cheesy grin for the camera now, here's an example. This is the stool/chair Bakka made me for Christmas. I came up with another use for it that he didn't even think of, it's my own personal desk and I set up shop and read to my new baby.

Mom and I enjoying some playtime in my tent together.

I am getting so big now that I insist on sitting in the rocking chair alone some nights. Mom and Dad sit on the floor and read to me or I read to them. I'm getting to be a very good reader.

I LOVE all my books and I even try to put them away sometimes.

So I'm not sure if you've heard the story about how Dad's X-box died a couple of weeks ago. I guess it's the screen of death and he had to ship it back to the company so they could fix or replace it. Well this happened just days after Christmas when he had gotten several new video games. He was very upset because it meant he couldn't play his new games. We've been anxiously awaiting it's return and tonight it came. The doorbell rang as the UPS man ran away and Daddy went running to the door. Here we are excitedly unwrapping it, it's like Christmas morning all over again. (Mommy says it was nice having Daddy around for the past two weeks, but now he may disappear to the basement to make up for lost time with his Xbox.)

Here's a fun video of Daddy and I unwrapping the Xbox....if you wondered how I reacted to opening Christmas's pretty much the same.