This was the train. Kids and adults got to ride on it.
Mom and I have been baking up a storm. Here we are working on Nana's logs. Mom's favorite.
Mom and Dad ran in the Pumpkin Fest 10K. Grandma and Grandpa Gerken came to visit so they could watch me while Mom and Dad ran. This is the three of us pre-race, it was a chilly day.
I wore my costume to cheer the runners along. When dad ran by he gave me high five, mom just threw her mittens at me. I was a tiger if you couldn't tell.
Mom and Dad post-race. They were tired. Dad looks a little more rested, because he finished before mom. She had just finished when this picture was taken. Dad's time was 51 minutes and 22 seconds and Mom's time was 1 hour and 6 seconds. They both did great, and are excited to get even faster next year.
My favorite job is to help mom and dad stretch post-race. Whether it's after a race or after their morning runs I help them stretch.
After the race we headed over to see the pumpkin displays in front of the courthouse. If you don't know about this a highlight of Pumpkin Fest is the pumpkin contest. There are different categories and age groups. The above picture is angry birds, we all thought that was clever.
No wonder this pumpkin got 1st place, WOW.
Grandpa took a picture of us enjoying the pumpkin displays.
Here I am all ready for my first trick-or-treating. I was actually yelling at mom during this picture, because I didn't want my picture taken.
Dad and I knocking on the first door, our neighbors Liz and Joe. I was a little nervous at first, but then got the hang of it. I said trick or treat really quietly, but always said thank you loudly. After awhile I was running up and down the streets.
Once we got done trick or treating, I had to examine all my great treats.
Still examining all my treats and begging Mom to let me eat them all while dad makes dinner. Oops I should have begged Dad he's the pushover and mom's no fun. (we like to call her a fuddy duddy)
Dad won and I got to have a couple things of candy, notice the M & M slobber all over my face and shirt. I would have eaten all the treats if they let me.
Once I got my costume off it was time to help hand out candy. I think this part was actually more fun than trick-or-treating. Every time the doorbell rang or there was a knock I would scream "Trick-or-treaters" then run to the candy bucket, grab it and greet the trick-or-treaters. I was very good at saying your welcome (after Mom taught me I should say that instead of thank you). There were even some kids who didn't say thank you at first, but once I said you're welcome they did. I did a good job of teaching manners on Halloween. Mom and Dad were really proud of me. The older girls that came by thought I was just the cutest thing ever...coincidentally they are right.
In other news I have to report that I am not potty training and I do not care too either. Mom and Dad have been asked recently so I thought I should clear it up. Just because I know what the potty is for, I cover my nose when my own diaper stinks, and I potty train every doll I have does not mean I, myself am ready to be potty trained.