It's been too long, I know. It's always obvious that we've waited too long for a blog update when there are tons of pictures to post. I am happy to report that the whiny stage I was going through is mostly over. I'm sure it will be back but for now I'm giggly, happy, and loving life.

On August 31 it was Dad's 30th birthday so mom and I got him some gifts and I got to help him open them. Mom and Dad took the day off, but still took me to day care that day so they could have a date day. They never told me they weren't going to work that day, but here's the evidence! Lucky for me they did come pick me up early so we could all play.

Never a camera person when you need it, so mom and dad had to attempt to take their own picture. They went golfing in the morning, then went out to lunch and then came and got me.

Mom posing with the hole she got a birdie at. She hadn't golfed in 2 years since she first learned how to (I guess being 9 months pregnant and a new baby aren't conducive to golfing).

Dad relaxing, waiting for the older women's league to pick ups speed so they could start.

Please no cameras, I'm busy with my books here.

I LOVE socks! Yep, that's right I think socks are the coolest thing ever (as long as there not on my feet). I take them out of the laundry basket, I leave them all around the house, and I try to tuck them under my chin so I can carry even more of them at once. This is me trying to walk with socks tucked under my chin...oops I already lost one.

Hahahaha socks, yeah! I wonder why mommy and daddy get me so many toys I don't need them.

We went to visit Grandma and Granpda Gerken for the weekend after Dad's birthday and they had gotten down from the attic some of dad and Uncle Brett's toys. It was a toy explosion on the floor. I didn't even make this mess, Grandma did!

Checking out all the cool toys, this is before Grandma made the big mess.

Grandpa showed me how to drive the cars down this ramp. He makes the best car noises.

It was nice out so we took the balls outside and I started practicing for Easter Egg hunts. Watch out world I'm going to be the best easter egg hunter ever.

Oh my there are a lot of balls to pick up around here. Who threw all of these?

Aha there's the culprit. Funny how he gets to just sit there and I'm doing all the work. Notice in the background Gretchen is sunning herself. Just call me Cinderella.

Working on my just out of the gate pose for the Easter egg hunt. Do I look ready?

Finally a little bit of help as we pick up.

In the afternoon we went to watch Dad's cousin Chris play football. I got to see Allison, Aunt Susan, and Uncle John who I haven't seen since February. I even got to ring a cowbell.

This is what you do when you have a football game to go watch, but you also want to catch the Notre Dame game. Aunt susan let me listen so I could catch the scores to share with Daddy.

On Sunday we headed to the park. I loved this thing.

I love parks, not so sure about slides still, but there is so much to explore and check out at the park. This was a very nice park, we will definitely come back when we come to visit Grandma and Grandpa again.

I was home with a fever one day a couple of weeks ago and look what happened. Daddy was home with me in the morning and Mommy was home with me in the afternoon. When Mommy came home she was shocked to see the bandaid. I did a little tumble next to Dad's nightstand, but the bandaid made it all better.

The cut is healing very nicely. The boys at day care were very concerned when they saw me the next day. It's good to have so many people looking out for me.

The other night Aunt Jen, Ellie and Isaac were in DeKalb doing some shopping and they stopped by for a visit. Here I am running away from Isaac. ( I know I look all grown up with my tennis shoes and little skirt)

Isaac was very helpful in pushing me around on my car, that is until he got bored and starting collecting sticks.

We just said good-bye to Daddy and I'm wondering if we really have to go to work and day care of if we could just stay home all day and go to the park. Coincidentally later this day Ms. Keisha's husband (she's my day care lady) had an accident and mom had to come pick me up early. Craziness has ensued with doctor appointments and Mom and I have ended up getting 2 half days this week and we get one more next week. So we did get to play outside and the following pictures are from our afternoon off as well.

While mom read her book in the big rocking chair I read mine too. I find it's easier to read when it's upside down, don't you? Check out the video of me reading below.

I'm on a mission, but I'll still read on the run.

Since mommy and I were off we decided to pick up a few things at the grocery store. Mommy is getting good at the deals we got all of this food for $24.44. (2 boxes of cinnamon toast crunch, 3 boxes of fiber one granola bars, 2 packages of grands biscuits, 2 packages of pillsbury loaves, 9 boxes of hamburger helper, 2 packages of pillsbury cookies, 4 boxes of rice krispie treats, 4 packages of keebler cookies, 10 packages of green giant vegetables, and 2 packages of cinnabon bars) Now you might think wow do you eat all of that. Some we do, some we don't, but it makes a great donation to a local food pantry too. We forgot to take a picture the other day when we got 3 packages of hot dogs, 2 boxes of crystal light drink mix, 10 packages of kraft cheese, and 5 salad dressings...all for $3.50.
and here's my video.