7 amazing months old
The monthly bear shots are no longer easy to take, because she attacks poor Bear.
Cassidy showing off her awesome clapping skills. She can clap and wave now. You definitely feel like a star when she claps for you.
Learning to crawl, it's only a matter of time. Cassidy can move one hip up, she can get her knees up, but she can't do everything together yet. Within the last week she has realized she needs momentum to go forward and she rocks her head back and forth, but nothing else goes with it, it's adorable. We'll try to get video of it on here soon.
This past weekend we traveled to Wheeing to celebrate Aunt Patti's 50th birthday with her. She took us all out to Tsukasa, an amazing Japanese restaurant. Cassidy absolutely loved watching the chef cook our dinner in front of us.

She was amazed at the chef cooking on the big grill and his very tall hat. She enjoyed the "cooking show" so much that Monday night I put her in her jumperoo in the kitchen while I made dinner. I explained every step for her and what different ingredients were and she loved it. I've never had such a captive audience for my cooking, she was clapping and jumping up and down and was so excited to hear about what an onion is and how to cut it.
Cassidy playing after a nap. She is so happy when we go in to get her.
This is how Cassidy goes down for bed every night. We start with pajamas, have a bottle, read a book and then lay her down with her cubs blanket and mickey mouse. She immediately goes for the thumb and off to dreamland she goes. Some nights she talks to mickey and tells him stories before she falls asleep though.
Getting some play time in before work and daycare.
Goofing off at home one night.
One Friday after work it was warmer than usual (stil not warm, but warmer) and I needed some fresh air so Cassidy and I bundled up and headed out for a walk. It was refreshing for both of us. We are ready for spring time to come so we can get out our new stroller and get some walking in. We miss the nice weather and are done with snow!