Well unfortunately I failed my Glucose Challenge Test (it's the one hour test) so I know have to go back for the dreaded 3 hour Glucose Tolerance Test. The one hour is not so bad the drink is flavored like fruit punch kool-aid, they only take your blood once and you're only waiting one hour. The three hour means of course sitting in a hard waiting room chair for 3 hours (they don't allow you to leave), you have to drink the gross, thick orange drink instead, you get your blood drawn like 4 times, and you have to fast for 12 hours beforehand plus the 3 hours you're there. Seriously 15 hours of not eating for a pregnant woman does this seem like a good idea. Never mind my fear of one of the phlebotomists at the place who has on two separate occassions made me cry from pain and nearly pass out from not getting my veins. I'm really hoping she doesn't work when I go back because I don't want the pain or bruises she inflicts.
I did not fail by much, but as the nurse said, failing is failing! I am anticipating passing the 3 hour though since my score was low for the one hour. I go on Tuesday so let's hope it goes well. Just to be on the safe side in case I fail Brian and I went out and had ice cream last night. I mean seriously what if I fail and my diet is monitored I better enjoy the good stuff now.
In other news we did finally purchase Ofie's baby room furniture so that is exciting. We hope to have it at our house in the next few weeks and possibly set up by the end of May. I finally feel like we're accomplishing something. We will have new belly pics up after the weekend. Only 1 more day until 28 weeks and the official start of the third trimester. My sciatica is better and I'm finally back at the gym so that is cause for celebration as well. I have never appreciated a good workout or even the ability to walk, or climb stairs so much as I do know that they are painfree.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
House Update
Just a short note to say that we heard from our realtor yesterday that there are currently three offers on the house we like, ours included. There is one offer higher than ours, and one lower. We anticipate the seller will take the highest offer, but the realtor did hear that one of the offers is thinking about pulling out because of the time it is taking. We're hoping it is the offer that is higher than ours, but we don't know.
In the meantime we're starting to look again, but unfortunately there are not many houses in our price range right now. The few houses that are in our price range are also on short sale, which would mean more waiting. We figure it will all work out somehow in the end and luckily we don't have to move out of our place so that's nice.
Ofie is doing well, but like every "good" child has decided it would be most fun to begin causing her mom pain in utero. My sciatica has been acting up, which means every step hurts, and working out is just not a possibility right now. It's very frustrating because simple things are no longer simple and even grocery shopping is a chore (the elderly are passing me up in the aisles now, because of how slow I walk). I'm hoping this won't last long because I want to get back to the gym and resuming normal activities. Luckily Brian is super and being very helpful.
In the meantime we're starting to look again, but unfortunately there are not many houses in our price range right now. The few houses that are in our price range are also on short sale, which would mean more waiting. We figure it will all work out somehow in the end and luckily we don't have to move out of our place so that's nice.
Ofie is doing well, but like every "good" child has decided it would be most fun to begin causing her mom pain in utero. My sciatica has been acting up, which means every step hurts, and working out is just not a possibility right now. It's very frustrating because simple things are no longer simple and even grocery shopping is a chore (the elderly are passing me up in the aisles now, because of how slow I walk). I'm hoping this won't last long because I want to get back to the gym and resuming normal activities. Luckily Brian is super and being very helpful.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Ofie's on the Move
We had a doctor's appiontment yesterday, very routine, which we like. For a 10 minute appointment it took 1 hour to be seen by the doctor, I guess that's what happens when one of the doctor's has to leave to deliver a baby. They just keep telling me sometime it will be my turn, but still frustrating while you wait. They also managed to make me wait in the hottest exam room ever, who thought it was a good idea to put a pregnant woman in an already hot exam room, I nearly passed out.
Ofie's heart is beating away at 141 beats a minute and boy is she moving. Her movement reassures me that everything is ok, so that's good. We have discovered that she really likes oranges, they are one food that gets her dancing a lot. Amazing how fast the time goes, we have another appointment in a month then we start going every two weeks. I'm going for my glucose test in a couple of weekso hopefully that goes well and this continues to be an uneventful pregnancy.
I did have my first nightmare that Ofie came too early and we weren't prepared. Needless to say this has caused me to get more done, especially at work with making sure there is good plan in place for while I'm gone. It may come as a shock to some that I am a bit of a controlling person so to let someone else do my job while I'm on leave is hard to adjust to. My new plan is to try and be baby ready by the end of June so that if Ofie comes early I'm as ready as I can be. Yes, I know the overplanner in me is already worried about her coming early, big shocker. I'm ok with her coming late, it gives me more time, but if this kid is anything like me she'll be arriving in early June just because she wouldn't want to risk being late :) I had a talk with Ofie last night about staying inside as long as possible to fully "cook" and give me time to prepare.
No news on the house yet, but we have officially moved the office to the basement and created an open room for Ofie, just a few more things to take care of before we move furniture in there. We'll post pictures once there is something to take a picture of.
Ofie's heart is beating away at 141 beats a minute and boy is she moving. Her movement reassures me that everything is ok, so that's good. We have discovered that she really likes oranges, they are one food that gets her dancing a lot. Amazing how fast the time goes, we have another appointment in a month then we start going every two weeks. I'm going for my glucose test in a couple of weekso hopefully that goes well and this continues to be an uneventful pregnancy.
I did have my first nightmare that Ofie came too early and we weren't prepared. Needless to say this has caused me to get more done, especially at work with making sure there is good plan in place for while I'm gone. It may come as a shock to some that I am a bit of a controlling person so to let someone else do my job while I'm on leave is hard to adjust to. My new plan is to try and be baby ready by the end of June so that if Ofie comes early I'm as ready as I can be. Yes, I know the overplanner in me is already worried about her coming early, big shocker. I'm ok with her coming late, it gives me more time, but if this kid is anything like me she'll be arriving in early June just because she wouldn't want to risk being late :) I had a talk with Ofie last night about staying inside as long as possible to fully "cook" and give me time to prepare.
No news on the house yet, but we have officially moved the office to the basement and created an open room for Ofie, just a few more things to take care of before we move furniture in there. We'll post pictures once there is something to take a picture of.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
24 weeks and belly updates
There is officially no question about the belly now, Ofie wants herself to be known to the outside world. I've even had someone ask me if I'm pregnant this week, that was a first and my first unwelcome belly touch, not looking forward to those (since most of you know about my personal space issues). Brian thinks maybe he felt Ofie move the other night, but he wasn't sure, I think he did, but it's still so subtle he's not certain. She is definitely moving around a lot lately, in fact the other night I was up in the middle of the night not feeling well and she was having a party at 2:00 a.m. Not a good combination feeling sick and a dancing baby. Brian wanted to feel her move in the am, but I told him she was probably sleeping after her middle of the night partying.

Belly pics 23 weeks 5 days, my how time flies
We have had a very busy few weeks and haven't been home much, so we're finally reorganizing the house preparing Ofie's room. We're hopeful that by moving everything from the office downstairs to prepare for Ofie's room it means we'll hear about the house we put an offer on sooner than later. Although after moving things in just one room, I'm not sure I'm going to be up for a move to a new house. I've had to realize I can't do as much as I used to, because my back pays for it if I do. If we get a house, we welcome volunteers to help us move, I can cook and bake for you as payment :)
We went and visited Kim, Jason and Carly last weekend. Unfortunately, Brian was sick all weekend while we were there, but we did get to just hang out and play games and such. It was nice. Gretchen got her Carly fix (oh yeah and so did I), although now that Carly crawls she can fight back more.
Carly looks to be chasing Gretchen, payback for all those licks. Carly thought it was fun when Gretchen licked her face, and she has the perfect size mouth so everytime Gretchen went in for a lick Carly opened her mouth to eat Gretchen's nose. We of course put a stop to that, it was a little too gross.
Gretchen and Carly wondering what's going on downstairs and how they might escape this "jail"

Well that's it for now, we'll update once we have news about the house, our next dr. appt., or more work done in Ofie's room. Have a wonderful Easter everyone.

We have had a very busy few weeks and haven't been home much, so we're finally reorganizing the house preparing Ofie's room. We're hopeful that by moving everything from the office downstairs to prepare for Ofie's room it means we'll hear about the house we put an offer on sooner than later. Although after moving things in just one room, I'm not sure I'm going to be up for a move to a new house. I've had to realize I can't do as much as I used to, because my back pays for it if I do. If we get a house, we welcome volunteers to help us move, I can cook and bake for you as payment :)
We went and visited Kim, Jason and Carly last weekend. Unfortunately, Brian was sick all weekend while we were there, but we did get to just hang out and play games and such. It was nice. Gretchen got her Carly fix (oh yeah and so did I), although now that Carly crawls she can fight back more.
Carly looks to be chasing Gretchen, payback for all those licks. Carly thought it was fun when Gretchen licked her face, and she has the perfect size mouth so everytime Gretchen went in for a lick Carly opened her mouth to eat Gretchen's nose. We of course put a stop to that, it was a little too gross.

Well that's it for now, we'll update once we have news about the house, our next dr. appt., or more work done in Ofie's room. Have a wonderful Easter everyone.
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