Well we are back from our 21 week ultrasound and the verdict is Ofie is perfect or so the Ultrasound tech says. She has 10 fingers, 10 toes, and everything she needs to have and is quite fiesty. I had an orange beforehand so she'd be cooperative and move around and boy did she like the orange. She was squirming, covering her face, and hiccuping. However, she was a bit of stinker and didn't want to roll over at all so it took awhile to get the pictures of the spine they wanted. The tech was even able to tell us that the baby has high arches on her feet, wow the technology is amazing. Due to the location of the placenta they said that I am feeling much more movement than most people, I'm sort of hoping that doesn't mean the later kicks will be more painful. Still neither Brian nor Gretchen has felt her movements, but it will be soon.
Unfortunately, the scanner at work does not scan the pictures well so I'm going to try at mom and dad's tomorrow on their scanner. The pictures are beautiful, you can see a wonderful profile of the face with distinct nose and mouth. We also have a 3D picture, very crazy looking. We were also surprised to find out that we get another ultrasound at 32 weeks, so that was exciting news. Our next appointment is not until April 14th. Now that I know Ofie is healthy I feel confident to start preparing the house for her arrival, so we'll be busy in the next few weeks registering, buying furniture, moving the office to the basement so we have a baby room, etc.
If you have just joined our blog we want to let you know that Ofie's gender is remaining a mystery until July when we meet her so she will remain Ofie and be referred to as her until then. Since I feel like I have done practically nothing to prepare for Ofie's arrival yet I feel I must share that I am catching up on my scrapbooking and this weekend am heading to Wisconsin for the annual Scrappy Ladies "Brechon" Family Scrapbook weekend (3 full days and 3 nights of pure scrapbook fun). I am hopeful I will be all caught up on my scrapbooking so that come July I am ready to scrapbook all the millions of pictures we will inevitably take of Ofie.

I am attaching pictures of me at 21 weeks 4 days. Slowly but surely Ofie is making her presence known to the outside world.